Pet Sematary

A review of the book of the month.

Stephen Kings idea to the book Pet Sematary* is rooted in an near death experience he had when his son was nearly hit by a truck.

Through out this book he obviously processed fear and grief brought up by this incident.

As I am dealing with a close family death, this books strangely helped me to deal with the sorrow of a family member suddenly lost.

Mostly accepting that “sometimes, dead is better”.

But be prepared to get your deepest instincts triggered, as well as rethinking a lot of basic human values.

The plot itself develops slow and resolves in a violent climax at the end in a few pages.

It never looses its suspense and keeps you emotionally investing in the characters.

The abrupt ending it will leave you baffled and confused, I do not want to spoil you the plot as it will ruin your reading experience.

If you want to find out for yourself you can click at the picture underneath to purchase it on amazon.

*(This an Amazon affiliate link, if you purchase something by using that link I will get a small commission for guiding you to their website. It comes with no extra cost to you.)

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